Election Commission of INDIA
The Chief Electoral Officer(CEO) is assisted by the Additional Chief Electoral Officer, Joint Chief Electoral Officer and other officers were drawn from the IAS/State Secretariat Service.
How to find MLC Voter Application Status?
Method 1: Search MLC Voter Application through the applicant Name
Follow the below procedure
Step 1: Visit: https://ceotserms2.telangana.gov.in/MLC_search/Search.aspx
if you don't have an application ID then you can Search by details
Step 2: *Select Mlc Council Constituency and District Name
Step 3: *Application Number and Relation Name columns are not mandatory only you can enter your surname or your first name in Name of elector
Step 4: * Select Male or Female
Step 5: *Enter Captcha and click on Search
Step 6: Now you will get all the list by matching your given name so you can find your MLC Voter then Download MLC Voter online.
Method 2: Search MLC Voter application through Application ID
Step 1: Visit: https://ceotserms2.telangana.gov.in/MLC_search/Epic_Search.aspx
Step 2: *Enter Application ID and Enter Captcha then click on search.
Visit: https://ceotserms2.telangana.gov.in/MLC/Search.aspx
Select Form-18 for MLC application and enter Application ID then click on Get Application Status.Graduates Constituency Electoral Rolls - 2021
Get Polling Stations: Visit: https://ceotserms2.telangana.gov.in/MLC_ROLLS_2021/graduates/Rolls.aspx
Select your Council Constituency
1 Mahabubnagar-Ranga Reddy-Hyderabad
3 Warangal - Khammam - Nalgonda
then click on Get Polling Stations
my mlc vote application rejected what to do